Sep 202013

Over the course of my life, there have been several occasions where I have been acutely aware of something very bad almost happening.  This morning, I experienced it again.  Every time it happens, I have questions.  Was it coincidence?  Was I lucky?  Blessed?  Miraculously spared?  If so, why me and not others?  Why this time?  Can I expect it every time?

Last night, I set the coffee maker to make coffee automatically at 6:10 AM this morning, which it did.  Typically, when the alarm goes off around 6AM, I hit the snooze and sleep in until after 6:30 or so.  But not this morning.  I got up, poured a cup of fresh coffee, then set the pot back on the warmer, which stays on for 2 hours.  I sat down in the next room and started sipping my coffee.

A few minutes later, I heard a popping sound coming from the kitchen and decided to get up and investigate.  I found the coffee boiling.  I quickly snatched it off the warmer, then reached to turn the off switch.  The power light was already off.  Still, the warmer glowed brighter red as acrid smoke started spilling out from its plastic frame.  I yanked the plug just in time to prevent a melt down, and quite probably, a flame up.

With the  crises averted, I thought of all the times I slept late while the coffee sat on the warmer.  I thought about the times we had left the house, perhaps rushing to church with the warmer on, trusting in the technology to turn it off after two hours.  I thought about all the times when something really bad could have happened, but didn’t.  I can’t explain why more people aren’t saved from more disasters.  What I can say, is I think more people are saved from more disasters than they will ever know.

 Posted by at 1:09 pm
Sep 022013

Should we aspire to pass every test?  What if we are not ready for the work?  What if we are not up to the work’s challenge, lacking skills measured by the test, which are needed to conquer it?  Would I prefer to fail the test, or the challenge for which it measures my readiness?  Are there some challenges we can not afford to fail, so the prior tests must be passed before we face them?

What about God’s tests?  Are they preparation for a future challenge?  God knows the state of our preparedness, but do we?  Must we pass the test to provide ourselves with more knowledge of the Heavenly way?  Must we pass the test to prepare us for some challenge yet ahead?  Given the opportunity and foresight, would any wise person choose to face the challenge without first gaining the preparation and approval of a test successfully completed?

Is it possible that whatever tests the Lord brings my way, perhaps I would do well to view them as preparation for the challenges and victories yet ahead?

Aug 192013


I have dreamed of a time when my heart is nestled safely in Faith’s home.  Where there is not a degree of space for doubt to live nor opportunity for its conniving hand to come knocking.

In my vision, I would stay in this home for a lifetime, my feet graced by a floor becoming ever more solid with the passing years.  I would have no fear of the forces outside.  I could not be persuaded to leave no matter how massive the coming storm.

If, beyond the walls, a distracting cacophony should urge me to leave for a period, I would not be tempted to even glimpse through a peep-hole in the back door.  I would rest safely in Faith’s home until my time to go.  And as I move into a place where no walls are needed, those around me will give tribute to the Builder of the home, where I rested, for a lifetime.

Aug 092013

It is so refreshing, and necessary, to get away from the stresses of life.   To relax in solitude, or blend in to the crowd and live life in the slow lane.  We all need it.  However, I am convinced that it is not the place we were meant to live on a regular basis. Not for the long term.  On multiple occasions Jesus got away for a while in order to rest and recharge.  Even so, He did not stay away too long.  His ministry was to the people.  To us.  How could he minister unless he was with the people.  How can we?

 Posted by at 8:57 am
Aug 072013

There are times when I have felt overwhelmed.  Most of those times, it was because there was just more going on than I could handle.  This morning I found this bit of scripture, which brings a whole new perspective to being overwhelmed.  Hallelujah!

An evil person suffers much pain, but the Lord ’s faithfulness overwhelms the one who trusts in him.
   – Psalms 32:10 NET

 Posted by at 9:06 am
Jul 292013

He sat in the corner of the fast food restaurant, squeezing the contents of a handful of ketchup packets onto his tray. When he finished emptying the last packet, he quietly rose from his seat and went to the counter for another hand full of ketchup packets, then back to his seat, where he opened each one and squeezed every possible drop of its contents onto the tray. The process repeated and continued as the mound of ketchup grew larger and the french fries grew colder.

The man loved ketchup. He never seemed to be able to get enough, so this time, he had decided to take all he wanted. Even as the red mound grew to cover half his tray, it never occurred to him that it might be a little excessive. People at nearby tables began to stare, whisper, and point. They had similar problems in their lives, only not with ketchup.

Jul 162013

A coworker / neighbor / friend of mine writes a blog I like to read.  She also participates in a writing exercise where one takes a list of words and uses them in a poem or short prose.  I decided to give it a try, maybe bending the rules (or taking the easy way) by using them in a flash-fiction type story.  Even so, it was fun.  Every sentence of the story below has at least one of the words in it.  Thanks Sabra, and Brenda’s The Sunday Whirl for the inspiration!

The Sunday Whirl 117

The Sunday Whirl 117

It was very late  when she left the lab and headed for her car.  She had a sick feeling it was a mistake to stay until late into the night, but she had so much work to do and her workaholic conscience just would not let her leave until it was done.  As she walked through the dark parking lot, she was thinking about how she would spend the rest of the night together with some friends.  Although she did not detect the danger hiding behind the green truck, she did listen to a voice from deep down in her soul.  She couldn’t quite translate it into words, but there was a voice, leading her to walk in a different direction.  She took only a second to ponder the Voice before changing direction and taking the long way to her car.  The police would later note that following an unexpected path had saved her life.


 Posted by at 10:07 pm
Jul 042013

For us living in the USA, today is Independence Day.  It is the day when we celebrate our declaration of independence from England.  We celebrate it because independence is a big thing for us in the US.  We are proud of our independence.  That self reliant leave-me-alone-I-can-take-care-of-myself kind of spirit.  Today we shoot fireworks to celebrate, but all year long we teach it to our children and proclaim it to the world.  Live free or die.  Work hard.  Do your own thing.  Learn to be independent.   From the time we are very little, we are taught to fight for, obtain, and hold on to our independence. That is my problem.

I recently read a little book by Andrew Murray called Absolute Surrender.  It reminded me of what I knew the Bible proclaims.  Independence is not the answer.  It is not the best way to live.  The best way to live a happy, joyful, holy life is not independence.  It’s in dependence . . . on God.  Today, I celebrate my “In Dependence” day.


1. The state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else.

dependency – reliance – trust – confidence – subjection


 Posted by at 8:08 am
Jun 252013

I have been thinking about rainy days lately.  In recent weeks, we have had our share of cloudy days.  A few weeks ago, the basement flooded again.  We had allowed the gutters to get clogged, so the rainwater just poured beside the house and made a mess.  But that is not really what I have been pondering.

What has been on my mind, is that not all rainy days are bad.  I remember one drizzly day long ago.  Tammy and I were not yet dating.  We connected with friends, took a long walk on a damp day and enjoyed each other’s company.  Our clothes were nearly soaked as we walked along a railroad track.  I can’t really explain why it was such a wonderful day.  Perhaps deep down we knew there is something special about a person who will walk in the rain, just to be with you.

I also remember a day a few years ago at Cloudland Canyon State Park.  We went to bed one night planning a hike for the next morning.  When we woke up, it was raining.  I was disappointed.  I thought the rain would ruin the hike.  When it slowed to a sprinkle, we decided to go anyway.  Packing snacks and a rain poncho in our backpacks, we started out.  I figured we would get drenched.  That’s not what happened.

While we hiked through the woods on the way to the canyon, the occasional sprinkle gave way to a cool, gentle mist.  As we approached the canyon overlook, I thought we wouldn’t see anything.   I was wrong.  What we saw were misty clouds gently floating in the canyon, giving an occasional glimpse of the far side canyon wall.  It was as if we were standing on an island in the clouds, and it was magical.

If there is any point to this post it is simply this:  Not all rainy days are bad.  Some can be wonderful, or even magical, if you give them a chance.

Jun 112013

It once was a yard.  The lap that cradled a home.  A place where children could play under the shade of big magnolia trees while the breeze shared the lemony scent of the huge white blossoms.   Now the chainsaws and bulldozers are hard at work cutting it all down and clearing it off.  Turning the tree filled home place into a mini mart, or a gas station, Or an addition to the school buildings . . . or a parking lot.

It makes me sad every time I see trees cut down. Especially big trees that have grown for decades, only to be destroyed in a few moments by a man with a saw. Does that make me short sighted? Complacent? Resistant to growth and change? Does that make me stand in the way of progress?

I don’t think so. I know that not all progress is good. It depends on the direction you’re going. Sometimes it’s easiest to make progress when you’re headed toward the wrong goal. Not all growth is good. Cancer is a growth. Not all change is good. It depends on how it changes. Rust is change. So is decay.

I want to have the right attitude toward progress, growth, and change. I want to have the wisdom and courage to support them when I should, and reject them when it’s right to do so. God help me progress toward your kingdom. Help me to grow in my relationship with Jesus, and change into the likeness of Christ.

Not that I have already attained this – that is, I have not already been perfected – but I strive to lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus also laid hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have attained this. Instead I am single-minded: Forgetting the things that are behind and reaching out for the things that are ahead, with this goal in mind, I strive toward the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
– Philippians 3:12-14 NET

 Posted by at 1:15 pm