Aug 192013


I have dreamed of a time when my heart is nestled safely in Faith’s home.  Where there is not a degree of space for doubt to live nor opportunity for its conniving hand to come knocking.

In my vision, I would stay in this home for a lifetime, my feet graced by a floor becoming ever more solid with the passing years.  I would have no fear of the forces outside.  I could not be persuaded to leave no matter how massive the coming storm.

If, beyond the walls, a distracting cacophony should urge me to leave for a period, I would not be tempted to even glimpse through a peep-hole in the back door.  I would rest safely in Faith’s home until my time to go.  And as I move into a place where no walls are needed, those around me will give tribute to the Builder of the home, where I rested, for a lifetime.

  4 Responses to “The House Where I Want to Live”

  1. Beautiful, Mark. I believe you would not be tempted to even look through the peep-hole.
    Glad you wrote this week.

    • Sabra,

      Thanks for the encouragement. It’s amazing how just a list of words can help me get started on something. Otherwise I just sit there wondering what to write!


  2. I love the imagery in this one. It reads like a dream. And what a fantastic dream it is!

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