Nov 292010

Thanksgiving at Mom & Dad’s house always has great food and exciting (usually loud) conversation.  This Thanksgiving we got into an interesting conversation about creation and time.

The earth is millions of years old?
The earth is a few thousand years old?
Genesis is literal?
Genesis is allegorical?
Seven days or seven eons?
How long did it take to carve the Grand Canyon?
Where on the timeline do we find dinosaurs?
Do you see that light from the Andromeda Galaxy 2.5 million light years away?

I don’t know the answers.  But, maybe God is not the “I Was” or the “I Will Be.”  It is possible God is the ever present “I AM” because He is not limited by time.  Perhaps God did not just create the events ON a great timeline.   Maybe, He created the line itself.  Kinda brings new meaning to the phrase “God’s timing” doesn’t it?

And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
        -Exodus 3:14

Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”
    – John 8:58  NKJV

Nov 222010

I went to Olla Louisiana last week.  It’s a little place, a very little place, in the middle of the state.  I was there for a business trip, but I took some binoculars with me because I figured I might get to see some stars at night.  After all, Olla is a long way from anywhere.  Bright city lights should not be a problem.

In Atlanta, the bright city lights do overwhelm some of the stars.   Sometimes it’s frustrating.  I tried to see a comet a few weeks ago, but even though it was a clear night, the sky was just too bright.  The comet was nowhere to be seen.  Unable to outshine the lights of the city.

Since it was a very small town in the middle of the countryside, I figured things would be different in Olla . . . and they were.  I saw even fewer stars in Olla than I had seen in Atlanta.  The city lights weren’t the problem; the clouds were.  An overcast sky is pretty deadly to a stargazing party, even in Olla.

When I got back home, I looked up at a clear Atlanta sky.  There were the stars.  Maybe not as many as a clear sky in the country would reveal, but more than enough to reveal the glory of God’s creation. 

Sometimes I do grumble about living in Atlanta.  The crowds and congestion can be frustrating.  However, I do believe it is where God has put me, at least for now.   And, whether stargazing or just living life, I would rather have a clear sky in Atlanta than a cloudy sky in Olla any time.

Now godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.  And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
            –  1 Timothy 6:6-8  NKJV

Nov 152010

I looked three times for something last night. I looked three times in the same place. I was almost sure that’s where it was, but three times and I still couldn’t find it? So I looked elsewhere. I still couldn’t find it, until this morning. This morning I got a flashlight and looked for the fourth time in the same place. There it was. It had been there the whole time. How could I have missed it even after looking right at it THREE times?  What was lost was now found, and the light made all the difference.

In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.
    – John 1:4  NASB

Nov 042010

At 6 AM I sit in a Las Vegas hotel room munching on breakfast and blogging.  Downstairs, even at this hour, people are at the blackjack tables and slot machines giving money to the hotel. They’re hoping the hotel will give even more back.  I believe the odds would be better if they placed the money in the offering plate.

 Posted by at 9:25 am  Tagged with:
Nov 032010

Morning comes early; a day is given.
A child rises to live the day.
The Father is watching and waiting.
Will he talk to Me today?
Will he share “his” time?
Can we live this day together?
The Father already knows the answer,
Yet still, He listens, watches, and waits.

Oct 302010

“Kernel panic” the message on the screen said, which in computer language means “I give up.” My server has been having issues all week so last night I finally replaced it with another one. I tried everything before giving up on that old computer but in the end, it just had to be replaced.

Sometimes I am just too hard-headed and determined for my own good.  I worked on that troublesome computer for days, swapping out parts, trying one thing after another. It would run for a little bit then just when I would start to think it was fixed, it would crash again. Kernel panic. Reboot.

Perhaps I have just been working with computers too long, but sometimes I find myself in kernel panic mode. I keep trying to fix things but sooner or later it just leads to a system crash.  Next thing I know, I’m in “Kernel panic” mode. Should I try another reboot?

There are occasions when it’s best to give up the old self-effort, stop trying, and accept a whole new sytem.

Then He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them. Now about the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea, and would have passed them by.  And when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed it was a ghost, and cried out; for they all saw Him and were troubled. But immediately He talked with them and said to them, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” Then He went up into the boat to them, and the wind ceased. And they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure, and marveled.
        -Mark 6:48-51  NKJV

 Posted by at 3:05 pm  Tagged with:
Oct 252010

Sam and I played “disc golf” yesterday. For those of you who are not up on the latest sports, disc golf is like regular golf except you throw a Frisbee to a basket instead of hitting a golf ball to a hole. It’s fun, cheap, and good exercise. (I know of no disc golf course where you ride your lazy butt around in a cart.) 

The course we played yesterday was in the woods. There were little cleared paths along the route. I guess if you could throw really straight, you would be fine.  Sam and I are pretty new at it so we spent a lot of time in the weeds, mostly after bouncing the disc off a tree.  We had fun anyway.  Whenever we would hit a tree, we would just pick up the disc and throw it again.  We went through all 18 baskets that way.

When we left, the trees along the course had quite a few more dents than when we started.  Our discs are now sporting a few more nicks, chips and scratches too.  It’s all just part of the game.  With determination, perseverance, and a good attitude, we made it to every basket, finished the course, and went home happy.

That was Sunday afternoon.  Today is Monday, and it still feels like I am spending a lot of time bouncing off trees . . .

Oct 202010

The pastor challenged us this week to tell our story of how we came to know Jesus, in 100 words or less. Even for a fairly simple story like mine, to squeeze it in 100 words is harder than one might think.

In exactly 100 words . . .

I accepted Christ when I was very young. I didn’t understand it all, but I knew I was wrong, God was right, and I needed Jesus.  Throughout my childhood and teen years, I tried to live right and He kept me from evil.  In college, as I grew in knowledge and independence, it became harder to live right.  Then I figured out I couldn’t. No amount of my effort would be enough to make me right with God. That’s when I realized how much I needed Jesus. I didn’t have Him. He has me.  How could I not love Him?

 Posted by at 7:03 am
Oct 172010

Yesterday, I went to the funeral of a guy I didn’t know. It was interesting to hear about his life and his Christian walk. I think I’ll look him up when I get to Heaven.