Jan 272011

Her surgery went well.  The tumor was benign.  We had prayed for that.   We had hoped for that.  We even dared to expect that.  But we knew it could have been otherwise, so we thank God for an answer to prayer and the result we had been hoping for.  I don’t always get what I want.  I don’t always get what I ask for.  I don’t know why some stories have happy endings and others do not.  I wish I did.  It might save me some worry.  As it is, all I can do is continue to talk with God, letting him know my needs and concerns, believing that no matter what happens He is there, He cares, and He rewards those who diligently seek Him.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
     – Hebrews 11:6  KJV

  One Response to “Diligently Seeking”

  1. He is our the only HOPE we have and the only HOPE we need. May we trust in HIM. So glad the report was a good one. Kerry

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