Sep 292012

Below is a poem I wrote more than ten years ago and sent to  I have hesitated to post it on my blog because, quite frankly, it’s a little embarrassing.  Despite that, I have decided to swallow my pride and post it for several reasons.  First, I have felt like I should for a while now.  Second, I need another post for this month.  (I try to at LEAST do three a month.)  And finally, since I am not feeling this way at the moment – hopefully learning a few things since then – you don’t have to feel sorry for me or be amazed at my pity party.  I am VERY blessed, as are many of us.  However, my guess is that some others have felt this way at times, so maybe you can relate.  If I am the only one that has ever felt this way, don’t tell me.  It will just make me feel bad.  😉


Midlife Musing

Life is hollow.
Striving, Reaching, Struggling.
Close, but never there. Grasping.
Not quite good enough,
Not quite quick enough,
Not quite old or young enough.
A life full of not quite enough money,
Not quite enough time,
Not quite enough talent.
A life of almost good enough,
Almost correct and almost right.
Hoards of I-wish-I’d-done-thats.
Regrets scattered everywhere.
Success seems scarce, Yet blessings abound.
Self pity is sickening.
The end of life. A talk with God.
The unimaginable happens.
“Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Nothing else will matter at all.



“His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’
              — Matthew 25:23  NKJV

  One Response to “Midlife Musing”

  1. Sounds like any human being could relate to that poem somewhere in their life’s journey. It sure is like my Beagle when he wags his tail, in that, it has one heck of a “happy ending”, too. Thanks for sharing. Glad you didn’t decide against it. Well done, indeed. — kerry

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