Oct 252012

Our grow group at church has been going through “The Truth Project” material from Focus on the Family.  It is very good material that teaches a Christian worldview on a variety of topics such as science, politics, work, social order, etc.  At the foundation of the class is the assumption that the Bible is the authoritative source of truth.  I accept that premise, however I have lately been thinking about why I do so.

I know there are many reasons people give for believing the Bible is true.  Frankly, most of the ones I have heard are not very good, involving circular reasoning or some other “proof” that is not acceptable to Christians when used by “the other side” to prove their point of view.  So, why do I believe the Bible is true?  There are in fact some very good proofs out there, but for me, the greatest one can be summed up in a little song.  “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so . . .”

Some may believe life is about collecting stuff.  Others may believe life is about doing stuff.  Or becoming famous.  Or powerful.  When I consider what gives life purpose and meaning, I come up with a different answer.

I believe we were created to commune with God.  He created us in His image to love and be loved by Him.  To share in a bond that transcends anything we can comprehend.  I believe God has revealed Himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ.  I guess that’s the part that has to be taken on faith.  You know faith has to figure in the picture somewhere.   Many years ago, I decided to take that step of faith and accept Jesus as Lord.  Once a person takes that step of faith, the rest can fall in place.

To know Him and live for Him is my goal.  I may not always stay true to that goal, but sooner or later, everything in life comes back to that.  It’s all about Jesus, the only thing that gives life meaning.  Life is about knowing God the Father through Him who is God’s earthly expression of Himself.  Therefore the Bible is important, the Bible is relevant, the Bible is true, because it is the book that tells His story.  Everybody bases their actions, decisions, goals on something.  Everybody has to have something at the foundation of their life.  What better foundation can there be but that of Jesus Christ, and the book that tells His story?

For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
  -1Corinthians 3:11

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