Jan 082010

The movie we watched last night was not that bad.   The trailer looked funny and cute, so we thought we would watch it.    There were a few four letter words, and I think I heard God’s name used in vain a few times.   But it wasn’t that bad; nothing you wouldn’t hear in the street any day of the week.  I guess there was an adulterous bedroom scene, but it didn’t show anything you couldn’t see on the beach, so maybe it was not that bad.    Of course there was some lying and deception, but what can you watch these days that doesn’t have some of that.  I’ve seen worse.  Perhaps this was not that bad.  In the end, most everybody got what they really wanted despite it all, and went on with their life.  A typical Hollywood ending.   Really not that bad.

When did I start measuring things by “how bad they are not” instead of “how good they are?”  I don’t mean to sound like a prude.  Really, it’s quite the opposite.  I’m reluctantly admitting I sometimes watch things on TV that I shouldn’t.  It just kinda draws me in to its not-that-bad standard.  

I wonder, if Jesus came now instead of over 2000 years ago, would he even own a TV?  Would he find much of anything worth watching?  Anything that would meet his standard?  I doubt it.  It’s not that good.

 Posted by at 1:31 pm

  5 Responses to “Not That Bad”

  1. How true! Thanks for your openness. Lord help us all to live more like YOu! Amen

  2. Preach it brother…. I have this note written in my Bible. The Lord burned it into my brain a few months ago: “It’s possible that the world might blush over sin if those called by God’s name would weep over it.” Many thanks for a convicting and convincing heads-up. Grateful.

  3. Thanks, Mark, for a good and wise word, when we become confortable with evil be become unconfortable with holiness. jfs

  4. Your vulnerability is inspiring, Mark.

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