Aug 272010

I was in an upscale shopping center.  An out-door mall of sorts with parking in the middle and shops on each side.  The parking lot was full of BMWs, Mercedes, and Lexuseseses.  (I’m not sure how to pronounce, much less write the plural of “Lexus.”)  I even spotted a Jaguar and a Porche.  Clearly, not the same vehicle mix as the Wal-Mart parking lot.  

It was obvious that the folks in this shopping center had the resources to do a lot of good.  Perhaps many of them did.  Or perhaps they spent all their income on cars.  I can’t throw stones.  I spend a lot of my extra income on “toys” like a boat, a camper, and a swimming pool.

However, this particular walk through the automotive cream-of-the-crop did get me wondering what the world would be like if all that money was spent on something else.  Kind of a what-would-Jesus-drive thought.   But with the exception of a borrowed donkey or perhaps a fisherman’s boat on occasion, the only transportation Jesus had was his feet.  Even my 1999 Chevy van seems extravagant compared to that.  

So what would Jesus drive?  Well I think that depends on where He lives.  Does He live with me?  Is He really my Lord?  Am I allowing Him to do with me as He wills?  Does everything I have REALLY belong to Him?  If so, then I only need look in my driveway to know the answer.  If you want to know the answer too, just peek out your window when you get home tonight.  Can you see it?  Whose car is that in your driveway?

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