Jan 242011

There is a roll of insulation in my attic.  It’s sitting there, packaged nice and neat, doing almost no good at all.  Still rolled up tight in it’s original wrapper, it provides no insulating value.  And it’s been that way for two years.

When I bought it, I fully intended to take it to the attic, unroll it, and install it where it is needed.  But…  it was comfortable fall weather and not needed yet, so I saved the installation for another day.  That day has never come.  In the summer, it’s too hot to go in the attic.  In the winter, it’s too cold.  And spring and fall don’t even need insulation.  So, it sits unused while my power and gas meters spin.

After about a month and a half of worry, tomorrow morning we go to the hospital praying the surgery goes well. This past Sunday, we finally shared the burden with our class at church. Tonight we have friends and family keeping us company, praying, and holding us up.

I figure these two events have at least one thing in common and that one thing for me is this:  Burdens, like insulation, are not meant to be rolled up tight. It’s better to open up, spread out, and share the warmth.  I suspect it’s a quite effective approach, in any season of life.

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
      -Galatians 6:2

  4 Responses to “Insulation Installation”

  1. I’m so thankful for the good news today Mark! Rejoicing with you.
    You are absolutely right about sharing the burdens. A friend had a poster that said something like, “Friendship halves the sorrow and doubles the joy” Well said!

  2. Yes. Praise God for a sucessful surgery and a good report. Also a grateful thanks to the doctor and the skills God provided him.

  3. The insulation story reminds me of my dad’s philosophy about a leaking roof. When it leaks, it’s raining and you can’t fix it. When it is not raining it does not leak and thus does not need fixed. Glad for the good news about the surgery.

  4. Well said!

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