Mar 302016

I saw a sign yesterday that was advertising for a divorce lawyer. It promised a quick and easy divorce with a headline promising to help “Undo I do.” At first I noticed the clever phrase, then I considered if it was even possible for a divorce to be quick and easy. I think not. And the more I thought about it, I realized it’s not even possible to undo “I do.”

You can’t undo a promise. You can’t unsay it. You can pretend it never happened or you can say you didn’t mean it, but you can’t unpromise it. Once you make a promise, there are only two real possibilities. You can either keep it, or break it.

Strange as it may seem, that’s still one more option than God has.

  2 Responses to “Promise Options”

  1. Dear Fr. Spruill, I just wanted to say that your blog looks really wonderful! I just skimmed through a couple of entries. I wish I had more time to read it! I’m a convert, and I feel overwhelmed with all the Catholic classics I want to read, all the prayers I want to pray, in the midst of being very busy in my Catholic world, having been a Protestant, mid-seventies, Jesus movement Christian, somehow by God’s mysterious grace, just finding out all the riches and history of the Catholic Church, coming to know how sinful I really am, as if “the blinders” have been removed! I pray God blesses you in mighty ways, and all the priests. How courageous and heroic and noble, grace-filled, they are in this evermore secular contentious world.

    • Lee,

      I am certainly glad you enjoyed reading my blog. If God has used it to bless you, then please give Him all the glory! Having said that, you should know that I am not Father Spruill. Just a normal Christian trying to live each day learning more and getting closer to my Lord. I believe you can find Father Spruill’s site at this link.

      May God bless you,


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