I was working on a mount for my telescope tonight. There was measuring, cutting, sanding, and drilling involved. I don’t have an excessive amount of tools, but I do have most of what I need, and when it comes to drills, I have more than what I need.
I have two drills; an old one, and a new one. The new one works the best. It has a strong, new motor. It’s easier to use because it doesn’t require a chuck. It has a nice case where I keep it all safe and protected, the cord neatly coiled. The old one is thrown under the workbench with the cord haphazardly wrapped around it. Tonight I used the old one.
I almost always use the old one, because it’s handy. The new one is better, but it’s usually not worth the trouble to unpack it and repack it in that nice protective case. The old one is beat up, rusty, and not as strong as it used to be, but it gets used because it’s readily available.
If I had to choose which drill to be, I’d be the old one.
Mark you are an inspiring writer of real life. When are you going to publish your book? I want a copy.