Apr 242012

The trash man comes by our house every Monday morning.  Since he comes so early, we usually put the trash out on Sunday night.  The can waits by the curb for an early Monday morning encounter with the trash truck.  At about ten minutes after seven o’clock, the truck comes by and all our garbage is neatly taken away.  That’s the way it works.  Or at least, that is the way it is supposed to work.

Our trouble, at times, is getting the trash TO the curb.  The trash collector has not yet set one foot in the door to empty the kitchen waste can.  The trash in our bedroom has never been sucked to the curb by some mysterious whirlwind.  We have to take it out.  And sometimes, it doesn’t happen.   I pay for trash collection.  The guy comes by every Monday.  But on some Mondays, he just drives right on by our house because we didn’t make the effort to get the trash to the curb.

I am finding that getting the trash to the curb is the hard part.

  One Response to “Trash”

  1. Great observation. Unless we get the trash to the curb, we will be spending our days and nights dealing with waste management. Yuck. — Kerry

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