Nov 152011

When I walked by the kitchen counter last night, the crickets were chirping.  Yes, there are crickets on my kitchen counter.  They are destined to be food for the lizard that sets next to them.  Their fate is at hand, yet some of them sing.  I figure they could be doing one of three things in that cage:  1) They could be blissfully unaware of their fate, so they sing out of ignorance.  2) They could be quietly cowering in the corner, trying to escape or deny their fate.  3)They could know their fate, yet sing anyway.

I vote for option 1 or 3.  Regardless the fate, it’s better to sing.

 Posted by at 6:32 am

  3 Responses to “Why do Crickets Chirp?”

  1. Singing is about what is on the inside not what is on the outside. When He is on the inside we sing His song. Thanks Mark , dad

  2. I live in the turkey capital of the world. This time of year I notice truck loads of turkeys headed to the poultry plant. They look happy enough, but I’ve often wondered if anyone ever told them about Thanksgiving Day in Americas? 🙂 Something about your singing crickets reminded me of our happy turkeys. Go figure.

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