Haiti Youth Retreat – 2016
Return from Haiti Youth Retreat 2016
Update 02/19/16
Haiti Youth Retreat 2016 is over, but the wonderful memories remain! We had a great retreat! We had fun, we learned about hope, we made new friends, and left with a song in our heart.
Check out the Youtube video I made with some of the pictures!
We are getting ready for the 2016 Youth Retreat!
The time is getting close! The Haiti Youth Retreat starts next month and we are making preparations for a wonderful retre

The teens board the buses
at. The theme this year is:
Hope – The Anchor for Your Soul
We will be investigating what the Bible teaches about hope, learning what hope is, where it comes from, what it does, and how to get it. Along the way we’ll learn a few things about God’s promises, vision and plans for the future, and ramp up our joy.
The retreat starts on February 5th this year, so we need your help right away if we are going to have all the materials collected in time. We are so thankful for the way our church friends pitch in every time. You are a part of this ministry and I truly believe God will bless those who “stay by the baggage” just as much as those He sends out. (See the life of David for that reference.) Please pray for us as we prepare materials and hearts for the retreat. If you want to help by providing materials, below is a list of things we will need. I will add /adjust as we finalize the preparations for the retreat.
Lesson / Game Materials Needs List
200 sheets of colored construction paper20 glue sticks1 roll of banner paper1 box of 144 golf pencils1 ream of plain white 8.5 x 11 paper2 boxes of spaghetti (nice thick round noodles)500 or more medium or large size rubber bands, all the same size so I don’t have to separate them out500 or more small rubber bands, all the same size so I don’t have to separate them out- 4
0 bottles of 7 5/8 ounce Elmer’s Glue All(The classic stuff. Not school glue.) 400 plastic Dixie cups(the little 5 ounce size)200 round, wooden blanksWe have these ordered.200 Dixie paper plates(approx 8.5 inch round and reasonably stiff. Not Chinet, but not the cheapest plain paper either.)- Colored markers,
Sharpies, colored pencils, etc are always handy - Small gifts and rewards for winners and participants. Things teenagers would find fun or useful such as flashlights, water bottles, bandannas, sun glasses, notepads . . .
3 or 4 French Bibles1 or 2 soccer balls- 200 9 inch round balloons
300 small star stickers(i.e. the gold stars you got when you got an A on your spelling test. 😉 Ideally, these would be in at least 10 different designs / colors. We may use them to form teams.200 Popsicle sticks102 eggs of Silly Putty50 lunch bags21 rollsmasking tape1 roll duct tape200 snack baggies- 200 water balloons
3 bottles Sta-Flo liquid starch(64 oz size)200 squares of paper towels(about 3 or 4 rolls)
Check back often since I’ll be adding to the list as we build the agenda for the retreat and updating the list to show the things that have already been provided. Also, feel free to leave a comment below if you plan to purchase or have purchased some of the items above. I need all materials by January 24th so I can finish up the loose ends before the trip!
We appreciate your help, prayers, and support in the service of Christ Jesus our Lord.
May His Kingdom come,