Haiti Youth Retreat – 2014


Update 03/9/2014

We are back and it was a great trip.   Here’s a google maps link to where we went in:  Montrouis, Haiti.  And here’s a link to some pictures of the event.



Hanging Out In Haiti

Hanging Out In Haiti


Update 02/24/2014

Wow!  Just look how things have come together.  God always provides and I appreciate so much the support of YOU, His “Hands and Feet”, as we together fulfill the great commission of our Lord.

Thanks everyone for all your help.   Now one last and truly most important request.  This one thing is vital for he success of our mission:  Your prayers.   Please keep us in your prayers while we are on our trip.  Pray for wisdom, guidance, courage, safety, peace, and most of all, God’s presents.

Your brother in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ,



Once again we will be going to Haiti to help with a youth retreat during the “Carnival” week-end.  These retreats provide a fun, christian, alternative to the secular carnival celebration that goes on throughout the country.  This year’s retreat will be March 1st – 5th, 2014.   We will be studying the book of James and plan to discuss some key life principals mentioned there, including:

  • Wisdom
  • Taming the Tongue
  • Avoiding Favoritism
  • Patience
  • Music and singing praises
  • Faith in Action

Please pray for us as we prepare materials and hearts for the retreat.  If you want to help in some other ways, below is a list of things we will need.

I will add /adjust as we finalize the preparations for the retreat.

  1. 20 white pillowcases (we will use them to make flags) – Tammy got these.
  2. 20 small dowel rods (used as flag poles)
  3. Markers, stickers, stencils, etc. that can be used to decorate the flags
  4. Play money (dollar bills)  At least 200 bills in all denominations, preferably different colors like Monopoly money.
  5. Bags of candy (individually wrapped, such as starburst candy, tootsie rolls, etc.)
  6. Some party favors and fun prizes, harmonicas, recorders, kazoos, bandannas, sun glasses, T-shirts, flashlights with batteries, glow sticks, etc.  Anything that is not too big and heavy that teenagers would like.
  7. 1 or 2 reams of plain white paper
  8. 1 Box golf pencils (150 to 200 pencils)
  9. Rope for a tug-o-war
  10. 200 balloons ( 8 or 9 inch round )
  11. 20 Bandannas (To use as blindfolds)
  12. Soccer balls

Check back often since I’ll be adding to the list as we build the agenda for the retreat, and updating the list to show the things that have already been provided.  Also, feel free to leave a comment below if you plan to purchase or have purchased some of the items above.  I need all materials by February 16th so I can finish up the loose ends before the trip!

We appreciate your help, prayers, and support in the service of Christ Jesus our Lord.

May His Kingdom come,


 Posted by at 3:17 pm

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