Astronomy Links and Info


Clear Dark Sky  Gives information regarding the predicted “seeing” conditions for the night.  You can get forcasts for many locations.  Below is the info for the Atlanta area.

This Weeks Sky at a Glance  provided by Sky & Telescope gives a great sumary of things to look for this week.  Also includes a roundup of the planet locations and status.  Sky & Telescope’s website is full of information about astronomy in general.  Maybe someone could buy me a subscription for Christmas? 😉

Light pollution map If you are like me, this will make you sad.   This link takes you to a map of light polution for the Atlanta area.   It is obvious why the stars have dissapeared. If you want to see light pollution for other areas, check out

Sky Maps  You can print from .   You can also buy maps and such there.

This Month’s Star Chart from  They also have a community page  with basic astronomy information about telescopes, equipment, and night skies, including a summary for the month.

And lastly, a posting about a faint reflection  . . .

 Posted by at 4:40 pm

  2 Responses to “Astronomy Links and Info”

  1. Hi guys! Could you tell me where to find a good spotting scope? These seem quite nice, but I’m not a professional and don’t know much about optics and such stuff.

    • Nikki,

      I’m pretty much on the amature side of astronomy as well, so wouldn’t be the person to ask. I will say that I got a Telrad laser finder that is awesome. It makes it so munch easier to get even a bad finder scope pointed at the right spot!


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