

This is my web site.  I host it myself so it is nothing super fancy.  Content is published via WordPress, which is pretty cool by the way.  What’s it all about?   . . . that I may know Him . . .

Mark Spruill

 Posted by at 2:15 pm

  6 Responses to “About”

  1. Hey Son, I did get a blog up.
    I am trying to figure out how to link yours to mine.

  2. Something not working. Keep getting “CAPTCHA error” Then noticed my name under “Recent Comments” activates a link to my Spitfire Wingman site. Sorry! Jim Haun Jr.

    • I just upgraded it recently, so I may have introduced a bug! I’ll do some digging to see if I can find the problem. Thanks for the comment, despite the problem on the site!

  3. This is a test comment. I suppose I should test my site more often! Mark

  4. Hey Mark! I dont know if you remember me, but I sat by you on the plane on our way back from Haiti in March. I was wondering if you would be interested in holding one of your youth programs in Ranquitte, Haiti. I really would like to have a Christian program for young people there. I also contacted you on facebook, wasn’t sure you got on there much. Let me know if your interested. thanks!

  5. Olivia,

    Yes, I remember. And you are right. I don’t check facebook much! I will send you something via e-mail or Facebook shortly.



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