Youth Retreat 2010 Updated 2/5


Haiti Youth Retreat Update – 2/5/2010

American Airlines called me this week to tell me my flight to Haiti had been cancelled.  It appears I will not be going . . . for now.   In the mean time, I will keep the materials I have bought and try to always be ready for whenever God says, “Go.”




Haiti Youth Retreat 1/18/2010

I spoke with pastor Jean Alix Paul this evening.  He would like to continue with plans to hold the youth retreat in February.  They will not be taking the youth out of town, but will hold the retreat at the church.    Assuming conditions and circumstances allow, I still plan to attend.  Please be in prayer for the Haitian people and that God will guide us to make the right decisions so that we can be in the center of his will.




Haiti Update 1/15/2010

I received some emails from the pastor and his brother, confirming they are all OK, but the need is VERY great.  I do not yet know about the youth retreat.  A more urgent issue regarding Haiti travel is regarding a medical trip that was already scheduled for later this month.  That group, under the same mission organization which helps with the youth retreat, is struggling with several tough decisions right now.  Check out the IAM website and please continue to pray.




Haiti Update 1/13/2010

We have received a little more information.  The children of the orphanage and the church people survived with only a few minor injuries.  The buildings are also ok except for a few minor cracks in the school building.  The pastors’ home is ok as well.

I still do not know if the Youth Retreat will be cancelled or not.  I have not yet been able to contact the pastor directly.  Keep praying, and thank the Lord for the safety of His people.



Youth Retreat Status  1/12/2010  :

A major earthquake has hit Haiti.  I don’t know how this will affect the youth retreat.  Communication with Haiti is very difficult right now.  I’ll post more when I find out what is going on.   In the mean time, please pray for pastor Jean Alix Paul, his family, and the people of Haiti.  We have heard that the pastor and his imediate family are ok, but we don’t know any other details. 



Youth Retreat – February 12th – 18th, 2010

We’re getting ready for the 2010 Haiti Youth Retreat.  This year’s theme will be “War & Peace.”   If you want to help provide some of the supplies needed, the list is below.   I haven’t built a complete list yet, but I know I’m going to need some of the things listed.   Some of the items could easily be purchased by multiple people.  i.e.  buy 1 bible, 5 pairs sunglasses, etc. and someone else could also buy a bible, sunglasses, etc.  If you can’t help by providing materials, you can ALL help by praying.  Also, if you would be interested in going with me (this time or some other time), let me know. 

Needs List

2,000 Q-tips  – Got em.  Thanks Tammy!
200 straws  (regular size, straight, not bendable kind, i.e. able to shoot a Q-Tip )
4 rolls of duct tape in 4 different colors
20 rolls of Life Savers in the classic fruit flavors (not mint ones)
20 bags of Skittles
20 sunglasses (cheap dollar store ones are fine)
1 set devil horns
1 small devil’s pitchfork
1 angel halo
20 small, inexpensive compasses that will point north
20 large trash bags
10 kids board puzzles (e-mail me for more details)  Tammy got them!
4   2  full size flat bed sheets (old ones are fine)
4 French Bibles (can purchase here among other places)

Games and activities will include:  A Q-Tip war, belly button war, finding north with a broken compass, making snow and more.

If you have purchased some of the items above, you may post a comment below just so others will know and not get the same thing.  I will try to keep the listed updated.

Thanks so much for your help and support!


 Posted by at 12:42 pm

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