Haiti Youth Retreat – 2013
Update: 2/24/2013
Sam and I made it back from a wonderful trip. God blessed us with His presence as we learned from His word. Activities and games were a blast. The peace of God was present, the fellowship of the Spirit was apparent, and the Joy of the Lord was abundant! Praise God for His abundant blessings!
Here is a small .mov I made from some of the pictures and video. Thanks to Sam for taking most of the pictures and video. It takes a few seconds to download and start.
And a few of the many pictures . . .
- Sunday Morning
- Dad’s Joy
- Ready for Games
- Teens on the field
- Toothbrush Ball Cap Relay
- Declaring the winner
- From the forehead to mouth
- Group Study Activities
- Sam & some kids
- The Lesson Table
We’re getting ready for the Youth Retreat in February, 2013! We are going to be learning about “Crime and Punishment.” Topics will include Sin, Temptation, Justice, and more. Sounds heavy? Maybe so, but there will be plenty of time for fun and fellowship too. And in the end, we may just cover a session on Grace and Mercy!
Lesson plans are in the works and we already know of some things we would love to have for the retreat. If you can help, below is a list of things we need. Check back often and let me know if you get something so I can keep the list updated. You can even post a comment below so others know what you are getting!
Needs List:
- Your Prayers! – Everyone can provide this, and it’s what we need most!
- 5 large bags of skittles
200 small Dixie cups20 large, strong, garbage bags20 small squirt gunsMarni is getting these.40 clip-on clothes pins150 small markers ($1 for a pack of ten at the dollar store)Marni and Tammy got this one covered!300 regular size drinking strawsMarni is getting these. If someone else already has some, we may need more than 300 anyway. I am planning several games using straws this year.- Balloons – 8 or 9 inch (these are always useful for various games)
100 sq feet of regular aluminum foil (1 or 2 rolls?)Thanks for providing this!- 1 roll of cheap, easy dissolving toilet paper
- A few bags of small individually wrapped candy such as tootsie rolls, starbursts, jolly ranchers, etc.
- 20 rolls of Lifesavers
A few small prizes / gifts. These can be dollar store items, but think of teenagers, not children. i.e. flashlights, games (such as dominoes or checkers), cheap watch, sunglasses, etc.- Soccer ball, Basket ball
- 10 Bandannas
- 1 rope for tug-o-war (1/2 or bigger rope, 50ft long)
- 10 Baseball caps (used is fine so long as they are decent)
10 ToothbrushesTammy got these.- 16 sticks of Chapstick
- Four or more (10 would be nice) sets of cheap disposable chopsticks.
- 200 Bandaids
- Money – We can always put this to use. 🙂
Check back often since I’ll be adding to the list as we build the agenda for the retreat, and updating the list to show the things that have already been provided. I need all materials by February 3rd so I can finish up the loose ends before the trip!
We appreciate your help, prayers, and support in the service of Christ Jesus our Lord.
May His Kingdom come,
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen.
– Jude 1:24-25
Hi Mark~ I am planning to go to walmart either tomorrow or Thursday. I would like to supply the following items, and I just wanted to make sure that I do not duplicate any that may have been supplied already.
200 small dixie cups
40 clip on clothes pins
300 regular size straws
balloons 8 or 9 inch
150 small markers
Just let me know, and I can choose anything else that you still may need. My blessings are with you 🙂
Warmest Wishes,
Marni Hyman
P.S. I will bring everything on Friday to bible study for Tammy 🙂
Oh, and of course my prayers are with you too!!! 🙂