Mar 172011

I hope this post doesn’t sound too “preachy.”  It is something that has been on my heart and although I mentioned it in my post about the Haiti trip, I find myself feeling the need to unload my heart just a little bit more.   So, here it is.  Read or ignore, but at least I have gotten it out.  I’ll be glad to post scripture references if someone wants them… but many you can find just by doing a search for “peace” in your bible.

Lately I have been thinking about peace and it’s relationship to humility.  Lest I disprove my own point, I will say that I could be wrong, but personally, I am convinced that you can not have peace without humility.  I’m not talking about happiness.  In fact, I think if you are determined to find happiness, you are destined to never find peace.  After all, it is the ultimate act of self service to demand your own happiness.  Peace is predicated on humility.  You can never have it while concerned with self; while things are under your control.

Things that drain my peace all begin with “I” or “My.”  My feelings are hurt.  My rights are challenged.  I am afraid things may not turn out the way I want.  I might be embarrassed.  I might lose it all.  Real peace comes when you give up the “I” altogether.  When you are crucified with Christ.  When, as Peter wrote, you “humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God . . . casting all your care upon Him.”

If it is your life, then you must fight for it.  If you have given it over to the one who controls the universe, then you can relax.  Jesus himself is our peace.  Through His humble death on the cross the Prince of Peace has reconciled sinful man to a holy God.  This is the Gospel of Peace in a nutshell.  If you are a Christian, then you are not your own.  You were bought with a price.  The same Jesus who humbled himself to a death on a cross is the same Jesus who said “My Peace I give to you.”

All of this is not to say there won’t be trials.  There most certainly will be.  But if you can humble yourself enough to place everything, including yourself and your rights, under “the Mighty Hand of God” then you can accept whatever comes your way as under His sovereign control.  Sure you may have to fight, but not for yourself.  You are already His.  On His cause alone should we focus our efforts, leaving the outcome to Him.  Then as Paul said, we can have contentment in whatever state we find ourselves, realizing that to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

The Kingdom of Peace awaits.  But we must be willing to give up our rights, humble ourselves and cast our cares on Him.  Only then can we truly let Peace rule.

  3 Responses to “Humbly Submit to Peace”

  1. Preach it, brother.

  2. A good word brother.

  3. Dear Tony,Thanks so much for sending me your video. It was truly monvig and wonderful to see your participation in the Relief effort in Haiti.Just looking at the images you found made me realize the true devastation. They are going to need help for many years, to totally rebuild their country.Many Blessings to you for taking that trip and giving strong physical support to the people.My best, as always,Roz RolanThe Image & Etiquette institute of NJ

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