Oct 012009

I don’t love you because of the way you look.
I don’t love you because of the things you do.
I don’t love you because of  the way you make me feel.
I don’t love you because of something you said, or didn’t say.
I don’t love you because of where you came from in life,
   Or because of where you are going.
I don’t love you because of anything . . .
I just love you.

A Mark Spruill interpretation of  1 Corinthians 13.

 Posted by at 6:44 am
Sep 272009

Cleaning up after the flood

We’re finally drying out in Atlanta.  The flood caused a mess in a lot of basements, including ours.   We’ve spent the past week moving furniture, pulling up wet carpet, and drying out floors.  There was dirt hiding under the carpet, and some mold hiding under the vinyl in the hallway. 

The thing about the mold under the vinyl is, I think it’s been there a long time.   It took a flood to finally give us the incentive to pull it up and pour on the bleach.  Don’t get me wrong.  I regret the flood happened.   But, if it hadn’t been for the flood, that old carpet dirt and moldy vinyl would still be on the floor.  It might even be making us sick.  

The floor is hard and rough looking now.  No carpet pad sandwiched between dirt and dog pee.  Just plain, cold concrete.  Even so, there is something refreshing about it.   It is what it is.  There’s nothing covered up.  Nothing lurking under the surface.  And the basement is beginning to smell clean. 

Sometimes I think people are like that dirty carpet and moldy vinyl.  Washed clean on the outside, but with dirt and goo underneath the surface.  Perhaps we should all learn a lesson from my basement.  Pull up the mess and get rid of the facade.  Stop pretending and come clean.  We might see a few rough edges, but I bet the air will be a bit fresher.

 Posted by at 5:15 pm
Sep 192009

I went to an estate sale last week-end. It’s not something I would normally do, but my wife wanted to go, and she assured me we could find wonderful treasures there. I think she might have been right, if we had been there a day earlier.

As it was, most of the good stuff was already gone.  The things that were left were the kind of things you can find at almost any garage sale.  Little machines that grill sandwiches, old radios, drip coffeemakers, and all those “as seen on TV” gadgets that everybody buys and nobody uses.

I made my way down to the basement, hoping to find some overlooked jewel. This was the lair of the man of the house. The man-cave. The retreat from the world. If there was ever any guy stuff of real value, it would have to be lurking in the basement. Continue reading »

 Posted by at 11:40 pm