Oct 312018

So there’s this lady who painted herself all white, and wears all white clothes. She stands real still and pretends to be a statue. She’s a real person, pretending to be a facsimile of a real person. That’s her job. People give her money to pretend to be a fake person. Shucks, I gave her money.

It’s funny. Instead of art imitating life, it’s life imitating art imitating life. The curious part to me is why is it so fascinating to look at? I guess it’s because it’s hard to believe a real person could stand so still and look so fake. But why should that be interesting? There are plenty of people in this world who are going nowhere and constantly faking it . . . and most of them even get paid for it.

  One Response to “Statue People”

  1. Yes, to your last sentence. It is so true.
    Also, I have artist friends who take pictures of themselves and friends imitating art.
    They love doing that…something about embodying art.
    By the way, you snapped a great photo. She doesn’t look alive.

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